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    StudyatChanakya Admin

    May 24,2022


    Remember when you were a kid and kindergarten was a place where you could play and learn how to tie your shoes? Now, times have changed. All we seem to hear about is the common core standards and how parents want their children to be school ready! Let’s reintroduce the joy of learning. 

    Learning is a crucial skill, especially for children, who have a lot to learn in and out of the classroom. Children must be faster at learning in today's technology-driven society, with rapid information updates, in order to keep up with everything going on in the world around them. It’s significant to make children learn better and faster. 


    1) Be at ease with mistakes. 


    When your child is learning something new, it is certain to make some mistakes. Making mistake is part of the learning process. If your kid is not comfortable with mistakes, it will be difficult for your kid to continue learning and may give up halfway through. As a result, it is important that your child grows comfortable with the process of learning via mistakes. One method to accomplish this is to explain that making a mistake is not a reflection on his/her character or aptitude, but rather a stage in the learning process. In this manner, the child is less likely to overthink mistakes and instead learn from them swiftly and move on. 


    2) Learn to ask for help 

    Your child may resist asking for help because there is chance to believe that the child will be labelled as 'stupid’. Make your kid understand that asking for help does not imply a lack of intelligence. Furthermore, it is critical that the child seek help whenever it is needed.  People who are knowledgeable about the issue may also have some useful insights to contribute, which may help the kid learn faster and more efficiently. 


    3) Taking notes 

    Taking notes is a good approach to learn academic subjects. When taking down what the teacher is saying in class, children must be choosy about what they put down in their notes. As a result, they analyse the information and prepare their notes for better understanding. This activity aids in a better knowledge of the subject. Moreover, if your child is unable to prepare notes, discuss it and explain the concerns to the teacher right away. Taking notes in this manner helps in better understanding. Study at Chanakya has got amazing study packages to ease children’s academic pressure regarding various subjects.  

    4) Exercise regularly 

    Exercising is essential for good health and fitness. It is necessary in all aspects of life. Today's children, in particular, require more exercise than ever before. Exercise plays a vital role in keeping children active. By getting your children to engage in regular physical exercise, you can help them become more active and faster learners. It would be best to exercise regularly to see the continued benefits. Exercise helps in developing your kids' muscles. It also helps in improvement of the body's oxygen levels and blood flow. 


    When exercise is done regularly, the brain cells will release frequently. This helps in producing cells in the hippocampus. Moreover, it is the part of the brain which helps to learn and control memory. 


    5) Stay focused 

    It is common knowledge that increased concentration leads to more effective learning. Help your children in selecting a peaceful, distraction-free setting. Teach them not to multitask when learning because it diverts their attention away from the task at hand and slows down the learning process. 


    6) Take breaks 

    It's not easy to work on something for several hours at a time.  Nor It's not advised. Taking breaks, despite the fact that it may seem counter-intuitive, can help your child learn more quickly. Teach your children to take frequent breaks from their studies. It's critical, though, that they don’t become distracted by another activity during the break. Make sure whether your child’s focus is getting distracted while taking a short interval. Don’t allow your child to engage in social media for too much time while taking the break. Whatever you do, do not push your children to learn faster but encourage them to help them fall in love with learning. 

    7) Eat healthy 

    When it comes to brain development, what kids eat matters the most. Adding healthy dietary fats improves brain function. Add a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which may be found in fish oils, seafood, nuts, and seeds, such as flax seeds and chia seeds. 

    8) Better sleep  

    Sleep is an important aspect of everyone's daily routine and a vital component of a healthy lifestyle. Proper sleep will help students achieve their full academic potential by enhancing their overall cognitive development. Sleep has a very important role in your child’s memory, intelligence and learning abilities. It is essential to ensure that your child is getting adequate sleep. 

    Make use of these simple methods to enhance your children’s learning skills and help them to learn faster and better.  

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