Frequently Asked Questions
If you can’t find your answers, please feel free to contact us.
- Registration
- User Login
- Free Membership
- Paid Membership
- Method to Contact
- Payment Methods
- Miscallaneous
How can I register an account on StudyatChanakya?
Click on the Sign-in button on the website header. Select the Register tab on the pop up that appears on your screen. You will have to enter on a couple of mandatory details of the person intending to get registered. After you submit your information, your profile will be automatically created and you can login using your email ID and password. For assistance feel free to call our customer care executive :+91 7994024668.
What is a User ID? Is it important?
User ID will be always your registered email ID. It's important to identify you uniquely, for further references and login purposes.
Can I choose my own User ID?
No. All the members will be using their registered email ID as user ID which cannot be changed. Password and other information submitted at the time of registration can be changed as needed by the user from the dashboard.
How do a user login to their profile?
Click on the login button on the header and enter your “email ID” and “Password” in respective fields and click on the “Sign in” button to login to your account.
Why “invalid User ID/Password” is being displayed when the user try to login?
The user might have entered incorrect email ID/ Password. OR by typing unnecessary spaces in email ID / password (the User ID and Passwords are Key sensitive).
What should the user do if the user forgot their Password?
If the user forgot their password, click on the “Forgot Password?” link in the right side of the login window, provide your registered email ID to the field and click submit. The user will receive an email to their registered email ID with a link to reset their password. In case if the user any problems occur in login again, please feel free to contact us.
If the user entered the correct user ID and Password but cant login , what should the user do?
The reason for this could be related to your internet browser. Refresh the browser and try again with
What are the features and benefits of Free Account?
A free membership helps a user to understand the features offered on studyatchanakaya website. The free membership is valid for lifetime but the account will be limited to free resources only.
How to become a paid member?
To become a paid member the user has to upgrade their profile. For this the user is required to purchase at least one package of their choice.
What are the benefits and features of Paid Membership?
The paid members can avail all the features of the website. They can also avail an excellent customer care support.
How do I contact customer care support?
We are eager to help you at the earliest. Customer care support is always a top priority to us. Feel free to contact our customer care team through - * Request Call Back *Chat for assistance : live chat support *Support request: mail/SMS *Any of the customer care numbers provided in the website.
What are the different modes of payment?
The user can make online payments through credit card/ debit card, net banking, StudyatChanakya offices, payment associates etc.
Is online payment secure?
Yes. It’s secure to make online payments. Our payment gateway provider adopts the SSL (Secured Socket Layer) technology, an internationally proven widely accepted technology. Our payment gateway service providers ensure that your card details are kept secure while transacting on the net, preventing unauthorized access.
Is it possible to visit StudyatChanakya branch offices/ outlets and make the payment, personally?
Yes. You are most welcome to visit any our offices to make the payment and clear your doubts or queries.
Why the user is not able to make online payment through his/her card even though it is a valid one?
Make sure you are entering the correct credit/ debit/net-banking card number and expiry date. If you continue having problems, please contact our support team or your credit/debit/net-banking issuing bank and make sure your card has sufficient funds.
What shall I do if I face an error while using website?
We regret the inconvenience you had to face while trying to use our services. We request you to report this error to our customer support team with the URL, which leads to the error message.
What is a “notification”?
Notifications are information related to a member’s profile. For example if a member earns a badge on the website, you can get this information through your notification.