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    StudyatChanakya Admin

    Jul 19,2022



    1) Where will the Asia cup be held in 2022?

    Sri Lanka: The 2022 Asia Cup is scheduled to be the 15th edition of the Asia Cup cricket tournament. The matches are played as Twenty20 Internationals (T20Is) in Sri Lanka during August and September 2022.


    2) Which is the Indian Railway's longest train route?

    Vivek Express: Vivek Express joining Dibrugarh (Assam) to Kanyakumari (Tamil Nadu) is the longest train route on Indian railways and it ranks 24th in the world.


    3) Who is India's youngest Speaker?

    Rahul Narwekar: BJP's Rahul Narwekar has been elected as the new Speaker of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly. He is also the youngest Speaker of an Assembly in the country.


    4) What is the Sponge City concept?

    A Sponge City is a city designed to passively absorb, clean, and use rainfall in an environmentally friendly manner, reducing dangerous and polluted runoff. This concept was proposed by Chinese researchers in early 2000.


    5) What is the official mascot of the 44th Chess Olympiad?

    The 44th Chess Olympiad will be held in Chennai, India during the summer of 2022. 'Thambi' is the official mascot of this most prominent sporting event in India. The mascot 'Thambi' is a knight dressed in traditional Tamil attire.


    6) What is Gaganyaan mission of ISRO?

    Gaganyaan mission is ISRO’s first human spaceflight that aims to take astronauts into a low earth orbit. It is scheduled to launch in 2023.


    7) What is TiHAN testbed?

    India’s first Autonomous Navigation facility, TiHAN (Technology Innovation Hub on Autonomous Navigation) inaugurated by Union Minister of State for Science & Technology, Jitendra Singh at the IIT Hyderabad campus. TiHAN – IITH will be the source of futuristic technology generation for autonomous vehicles.

    8) Who is popularly known as Payyoli Express?

    Popularly known as the Payyoli Express or the Queen of Indian track and field, PT Usha is one of India's most iconic sportspersons. She had narrowly missed winning India's first medal in track and field after finishing fourth in women's 400M at the 1984 Olympics. She is from Kozhikode, Kerala.


    9) What are Nairobi flies, which are causing disease in Sikkim?

    Nairobi flies are also known as dragon bugs or Kenyan flies. These flies do not bite. But if they are disturbed while sitting on the skin, a “potent acidic substance” called pederin is released. Pederin causes burns and irritation on the skin.


    10) What is DAVINCI Mission?

    NASA is planning to launch a mission named "DAVINCI Mission". DAVINCI stands for "Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble Gases, Chemistry and Imaging Mission". The DAVINCI spacecraft will serve as a flight chemistry laboratory. It can measure various aspects of Venus's atmosphere and climate.

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    Jul 22
