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    StudyatChanakya Admin

    Oct 27,2020


    1.Who is the Prime Minister of Newzealand has won the general elections with a landslide victory?

    Jacinda Ardern

    2. Who was hosted the 17th Meeting of Ministers of Justice of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Member States ?

    Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad(Minister of Law & Justice, Communication and Electronics & Information Technology)

    3. What is the name of the Space Craft which has crossed the Venus in its journey towards Mercury in october, 2020?

    BepiColombo SpaceCraft (BepiColombo is a joint mission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) to the smallest planet Mercury)

    4. Who has been selected as the next permanent representative of India to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

    Vishal V Sharma

    5. World Statistics Day is observed on which date? what is its 2020 theme?

    20 October 2020, “Connecting the world with data we can trust”

    6.What is the name of the scheme launched by Central Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar to assist cooperatives to play an essential role in the creation of healthcare infrastructure in the country on October 19, 2020?


    7. Who is the 2020 Nobel Laureate in literature?

    Louise Glück

    8. Who are the 2020 Nobel Laureates in Economic Sciences?

    Paul R. Milgrom, Robert B. Wilson

    9. What is the name of the online portal launched by Union Science and Technology Minister Harsh Vardhan, that provides information about CSIR ushered repurposed drugs and their current stage of trials?


    10.Who is appointed as Director General Dental Services and Colonel Commandant of Army Dental Corps on 12 Oct 2020?

    Lieutenant General Nanda Kishore Sahoo

    11. What are the names of three women pilots in the first batch for Maritime Reconnaissance (MR) missions on Dornier aircraft?

    Divya Sharma, Lt Shubhangi Swaroop and Lt Shivangi

    12. World Development Information Day is observed on which date?

    October 24

    13. United Nations Day is celebrating the ……Anniversary in 2020?


    14. Which state will be setting up the world’s biggest zinc smelter project?


    15. Which state of India has taken up cultivation of which spice for the first time?

    The first seedling of Heeng(Ferula Asafoetida) was planted in Kwaring village of Lahaul valley in Himachal Pradesh CSIR-IHBTon October 15, 2020 

    16. The Union Cabinet has approved the adoption of Panchayati Raj Act in which Union Territory for the first-ever time?

    Jammu and Kashmir

    17. Who became the first cricketer to score consecutive centuries in IPL’s history?

    Shikhar Dhawan

    18. Which telecommunications company has been selected by NASA to build the first-ever cellular network on Moon?


    19. NASA's OSIRIS-REx successfully touched which asteroid’s surface to collect dust and pebbles?


    20. Who  clinched Women's Singles title at Denmark Open?

    Nozomi Okuhara

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